Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day 8

Well, we got our first wall up in Studio A. Ok... just the frame. :) But it is a small moral victory. The green room is pretty much painted. A few touch ups to do tomorrow and we are good to go!

My office/studio in Studio B is done pretty much. There are few little things to do, like paint the new baseboard, re-stain the holders for the bass traps, etc. However once my workstation desk arrives I will move my office/studio from home to this location.

I am also going to re-stain the border around the corkboard... and probably paint it as well. The corkboard is actually the front on a resonator. It's one of Chuck's designs. I am going to hang my tools on it as well... so it's multi-purpose! The benches I have bought before from Sams... but the changed them and the tops are no longer a particle board (which I liked very much), and now this ugly grey stuff. I am going to bring the particle board from the two I have at home and put the grey stuff on the ones I have out in the shop.

I also had to do a little patch up in the "gold" room on the wall... so we haven't hung all the diffusors yet. It's pretty close though. This is going to be an all-purpose overdub room so we are going for a bright natural sound. From basic clapping in there... it sounds like we are right on the money. :)

Steve Lamm


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